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Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Diaries 2012 and other thoughts!

So coveting this for next year!

But torn between this also. Not as pretty but really works for me. Don't have the filofax one at the moment but do have a Dodo pad. I have to have something that has space for all 4 of us plus bills so 5 boxes across is perfect.

I am naturally unorganised but I do wonder if I'd be the same if  I didn't have kids? I had my eldest daughter really young so have never lived alone and only had myself to think about. I am also not naturally tidy although when it was just the 2 of us things were a lot tidier than they are now! 3 kids and a 3 bedroom house make for much mess! Add my boyfriends daughter every other weekend and all order goes out the window! Well what order there was. 

My mum is constantly on to me about routine and how we don't have enough. Don't get me wrong we have a good routine regarding the 2 little ones bedtime but I'm one of those people who leave things til the last minute, most of the time don't make the beds in the morning and don't have set days for things like washing etc. However I always always meal plan. Both for time and financially. I batch cook a lot. If you asked me where any document was I could immediately put my hand on it. Financially I am way more disorganised than I'd like to be but I am working on all these things. Its definitely baby steps. I am going to make some confessions but perhaps I'll leave that until tomorrow!! Until then bye bye!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Indian summer?

Why is it that when the children go back to school it decides to shine about 2/3 weeks later? And probably come the weekend it will rain!  Well my washing on the line and I'll do that for as long as possible!
I am really tired lately. There are so many things I want to do but I find that I never get around to them. Personally I reckon I've just got a bit lazy and need to just go for it. The less I do the less I want to do so I'm now snapping out of it! 
I have/am going to:

Joined Weight Watchers again. Need to lose 2 stone..eeek! 

I'm going to write a list of everything that needs doing in each room and make a start. But instead of starting one thing, not finishing, then moving onto the next and repeating the whole cycle and actually ending up in a worse state I am going to be methodical. I am such a procrastinator and there is no excuse. Procrastinating is actually a complete waste of time in itself. Instead of thinking I will do! Check this poem out that I was given yesterday! Love it!

Decided to stop being unrealistic. I am never and nor do I want to have a show home. What I have is actually pretty good and I need to remember that. This is the look I love! 

Make a lot more quality time with my children. It seems the weekend is blink and you miss it. I then think 'what have we actually done?' So Sundays are becoming all about being together. 

Start to seriously decide what career/job path I am going to take. I am a qualified Beauty Therapist but don't want to work in a salon for various reasons. Thinking of mobile but not sure in the current financial climate if this is viable? Then I wonder should I just get an admin type job until the kids are older? 

Cutting down my drinking! I've lived a bit on the wild side lately and although I am not going to stop socialising I am cutting down on the vino. My kids go to their dad's every other weekend and I think I've been making up for the lost years I spent with him!!!

Ok I'm off to make lists and be a Flylady!  

Thursday, 22 September 2011

Loub loving!!

I can but dream but I LOVE shoes and I want these sooo bad! Owning a pair of Christian Louboutins is on my before 40 list! xx

Lets start over! xx

I started this blog with many good intentions which fell by the wayside! My life has changed dramatically since I set it up. Feel the need to continue whether anyone will find it interesting or not who knows!!
I just want to share the things I love with like minded people.
So this is me now- although I am deliriously happily in love I still see myself as a single mother. I am not financially tied to him and nor do I want to be but also I do want him to live here- confused? I am!! We have been together for 7 months although known each other for 18 years. Basically hes always been on the periphery of my life. Its a whirlwind thing. I think it always was going to be like this for me as I waited 9 years for a commitment that never came from my kids dad! Talking of him he's the biggest pain ever but as I am tied to him by my kids I will try to get on with him! (Who am I kidding!) 
Ok so the things I love right now are
Always first and foremost my kids.
My gorgeous man.
Flylady! Yes I feel a little sad admitting this but its so good for the soul! MSE style not the complicated American one although do dip in and out of it.
Painting furniture (pix to follow) Loving Annie Sloan.
Shellac manicures-as a qualified but not practising (much)  Beauty therapist I want to start doing Shellac- its amazing!
Still being able to put washing on the line.
The anticipation of this weekend completely childfree!!!!!
Joe Goddards Gabriel- love that song.

And what do you think about this for a canvas in my bathroom? Taken by a very good photographer friend?

Good night all. xx