Why is it that when the children go back to school it decides to shine about 2/3 weeks later? And probably come the weekend it will rain! Well my washing on the line and I'll do that for as long as possible!
I am really tired lately. There are so many things I want to do but I find that I never get around to them. Personally I reckon I've just got a bit lazy and need to just go for it. The less I do the less I want to do so I'm now snapping out of it!
I have/am going to:
Joined Weight Watchers again. Need to lose 2 stone..eeek!
I'm going to write a list of everything that needs doing in each room and make a start. But instead of starting one thing, not finishing, then moving onto the next and repeating the whole cycle and actually ending up in a worse state I am going to be methodical. I am such a procrastinator and there is no excuse. Procrastinating is actually a complete waste of time in itself. Instead of thinking I will do! Check this poem out that I was given yesterday! Love it!
Decided to stop being unrealistic. I am never and nor do I want to have a show home. What I have is actually pretty good and I need to remember that. This is the look I love!
Make a lot more quality time with my children. It seems the weekend is blink and you miss it. I then think 'what have we actually done?' So Sundays are becoming all about being together.
Start to seriously decide what career/job path I am going to take. I am a qualified Beauty Therapist but don't want to work in a salon for various reasons. Thinking of mobile but not sure in the current financial climate if this is viable? Then I wonder should I just get an admin type job until the kids are older?
Cutting down my drinking! I've lived a bit on the wild side lately and although I am not going to stop socialising I am cutting down on the vino. My kids go to their dad's every other weekend and I think I've been making up for the lost years I spent with him!!!
Ok I'm off to make lists and be a Flylady!
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